Saturday, April 10, 2010

Knitting 101

I spent the day learning how to knit from my friend's grandma. Here are some of the reasons why I am already addicted:
  • The more "trades" you learn, the happier you will be. I just cured a kidney infection, which impacted me psychologically more than anything. I had to lay in bed for over a week (the only "walks" allowed were to the restroom). The fever, pain and nausea were so exhaustive that I had trouble comprehending whatever I attempted to read or watch. I keep thinking about how knitting would have given me a sense of productivity and a way to to pass the slow monotone days. 
  • My friend's grandma who is teaching us to knit has been successfully battling dementia through knitting and sewing. I believe this as I've witnessed it, but this is not an unexplored therapy method - here's an article that explains how knitting, and other similar cognitive activities, can be linked to the delay of memory loss. 
  • I know very few people my age (early twenties) who know how to knit. This gives me the feeling that, by the time we all become grandparents, knitting will be a virtually forgotten skill and hand-knitted products will probably be so rare that they will become valued and cool.
  • The scarf I am making for my 1-year-old niece is going to be one of a kind and she is way too special to be bumping into random babies wearing the same outfit as her.  
  • Through knitting, I will be spending more time with my friend's grandma and there is quite a lot to hear and learn from her.
I love knitting and so will you!

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